Our news

  • The McCroskey Agrarian

    For the most recent issue of this local newsletter, click here: Issue #6. Among topics discussed: “How Do You Start a Deep State?” and “The Shell Game of Water Adjudication” For older issues, scroll to the bottom of this page for a link to the landing page menu.


  • Idaho Martial Law Rule Begins

    As of July 1st, 2024, the Idaho Office of Emergency Management (OEM) – Idaho’s state-level FEMA – now becomes the regulatory clearing-house for Idaho’s state and local administrative agencies. The OEM represents the military division of the Office of the Governor as Commander-in-Chief. The OEM is run by the Governor’s Adjutant General. Idaho’s administrative state…


  • Idaho Legislature Declares Everything an Emergency

    Our state legislators have just finished the 2024 session. But while many of them are patting themselves on the back, the rest of us are wondering what they have accomplished. Readers will remember my complaint in a Letter to the St. Maries Gazette-Record back in January over the State Fire Marshal’s power grab. You can…


  • Planning & the Fascist State

    World War 2 was fought against Nazis and Fascists. Prior to the War, the Nazis and Fascists were admired by the world elite, especially in America, for bringing order to their chaotic societies: Germany after the hyperinflation of the Weimer Republic, Italy where the trains never ran on time. After the War, and to this…


  • On Tax Farming in Benewah County

    [The following was published in the St. Maries Gazette-Record 3/13/24 as a Letter to the Editor titled, “What Kind of Inner Wisdom.” Commentary follows]. A recent opinion letter warning against violations of the 1st Amendment (Weems: 3/6/24) – the part about not “establishing” a religion – might seem quaint in an irreligious age such as…


  • The Right to Use a Nail Gun

    While the right to build your own home without the interference of the government has been sacrosanct from the time the Pilgrims first set foot in the howling wilderness that has become our country, Marxist-type ideologies now dominate the thinking of “do-gooders” in government. The right to “settle” the land is inherent as one of…


  • Zoning & the Fourth Reich

    Did you know that the first zoning laws were created to keep the Blacks segregated from the Whites? Did you know that early zoning laws were created to keep poor people away from rich people? Did you know that zoning laws were created to break-up the ability of poor people to have self-sufficient farms and…


  • The Clichés of Zoning

    The push for zoning in Benewah County has been ongoing for many years. It was soundly rejected in 2014 by the people, but it was snuck in by the County Commissioners through county ordinance since then. You can find more information on that here: What is happening to Benewah County is nothing new, but has…


  • If the Sheriff had Emergency Powers . . .

    If the Sheriff had the same Emergency Powers as the Fire Marshal: https://savebenewahcounty.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/ifthesheriff.webp Removing a hazard to public safety.


  • Where Does Idaho Get These People?

    [The following Letter to the Editor is as it appeared in the January 31, 2024 edition of the Gazette-Record] In the lengthening line of government officials who want to be our dictators such as what we endured from the czars of the pandemic, now add to the list the State Fire Marshal who, in the…