Idaho Martial Law Rule Begins

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As of July 1st, 2024, the Idaho Office of Emergency Management (OEM) – Idaho’s state-level FEMA – now becomes the regulatory clearing-house for Idaho’s state and local administrative agencies. The OEM represents the military division of the Office of the Governor as Commander-in-Chief. The OEM is run by the Governor’s Adjutant General. Idaho’s administrative state is no longer under civilian control.

You can read more about it here: for abstract and exhibits.

Go here for report:

This transition is scheduled to be completed by 2026. Good thing. Benewah County still has not produced an acceptable “emergency management plan.” Our County Commissioners are fixated on coloring-in their zoning maps of the county and can’t seem to focus on what an emergency might be. Right now, if a local citizen living in the country decides to build something on his property, that seems to generate far more interest – and an income stream.

Come to this page for weekly updates and new links.

Update for July 17, 2024: Appendix A (Legislature uses FEMA money to fund 80% of OEM budgetary expansion: Implications)

Update for September 9, 2024: Postings to this website will be resumed October 1st. We live in farm country and we are busy with harvests.

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