For all practical purposes, Boise and the Treasure Valley have become proxies for the interests of California migrants. Everything emanating from the state capitol from here on out must be considered as social and economic warfare against the people of Idaho. The interests of Idaho citizens come last.
The latest resolution of the water wars in East Central Idaho – really just a truce – will become the modus operandi for the “emergency management” of the Governor’s “All Hazards Prevention and Mitigation” Executive Order (EO #2202-04) through the militarized OEM.
“All hazards prevention” should be a red flag. It is language being used more and more nationally (in Congress) and at the state-level. I am waiting for the next legislative session to start before finishing this article. I want to see what kind of “stalking horse” legislation is being offered this year. Last year, it was the fire marshal’s power grab that was used as the lightning rod, but after push-back, the bill was withdrawn and its provisions redirected into other legislation.
In the meantime, go here for updated details on the fight over water rights in Idaho:
(analysis coming soon)