Land Reform or Land Deform?

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This Letter to the Editor was published in the St. Maries Gazette-Record on December 11th, 2024. County officials may not appreciate the political satire, but they need something to wake them up to the really serious dangers of collaborating with the Metrocrats. See if you agree.


Well the County Commissioners have finally gone and done it. They have committed the county to becoming a metro-friendly resort playground. With the new amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance (cf. Public Notices, 12/4/24), they have slammed the door shut to poor people trying to get out of the nation’s urban hell-holes. You are only welcome if you have got money.

If you were too intimidated to invest in the Stock Market these many years and thought that maybe buying 40 acres in Benewah County was the way to go, think again. The idea of funding your retirement by selling-off five acre parcels, well, forget that sucker! The Commissioners have changed the rules.

Anything less than 20 acre plots will have to go through their gauntlet of rules and regulations, engineers and inspectors, and then finally, after spending a lot of money to develop it “to code,” you will have to sell-out for chump change to big-shot developers because you ran out of money.

These BlackRock wannabes who stand to make a mint off of your misfortune will turn little old-fashioned towns like St. Maries – where half the houses are sub-code – after having been bulldozed down, of course, to make way for condominiums, hotel resorts, fancy boutiques, and whatever else entertains city folks these days – they will then order our county officials around like bell-hops.

You should have invested in BlackRock.

And if you thought that you wanted five acres and a shack in the woods to get away from the “rat-race” or practice shooting your sidearm, well, forget that, too. “Shacks” don’t meet codes according to the cocktail party elites. For our experts in public sanitation – who probably have never changed a dirty diaper in their entire lives – it is far too great a risk for toilet paper to be floating down the mighty Joe and terrorizing children relieving their bladders while they swim, than to let you have an outhouse, or perish the thought, poop in the woods!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it has come to that. From here on out, you will have to endure the pontificating of experts who will warn you about your unsafe, unhealthy, deplorable ways – and urge you to join the state’s system of care homes, or if you can’t stand for that – one of our many fine mental institutions.

James Stivers

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